AngularJSTailwindCSSGCPPythonFlaskJiraFigmaGithub Actions

Triangle Fraternity Website

By Blake Marterella
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Published on
August 31, 2022
Project Leader & Lead Frontend, Backend, and DevOps Engineer
Desktop Triangle Landing Page
Desktop Triangle Landing Page
Desktop Triangle Landing Page
Desktop Triangle Landing Page
A live calendar feed of Triangle events
A live calendar feed of Triangle events

Triangle Website

As the Founding Historian of Triangle Fraternity, I was tasked with the job of redesigning the fraternity's website. Instead of just making minor tweaks, I decided to completely redesign the landing page using AngularJS and TailwindCSS. Additionally, I created an interactive dashbaord for all fraternity members to add details about themselves, view other members, and stay up to date with a central location for all information.

What is Triangle?

Triangle is the only men's STEM fraternity experience, open to engineers, architects and scientists. We provide a social experience with a focus on academic success and professional preparation.



The frontend


I created a Flask API that is linked to a Google Firestore database. I wanted to create an API so that other brothers can access fraternity details for side-projects to enhance the digital greek life experience. An example of a side project is our automated designated driver platform.

The Flask API runs on a Google Cloud Run instance. In the future, we plan on implementing a relational database using MySQL.

Project Management

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